linguistic data

英 [lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk ˈdeɪtə] 美 [lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk ˈdeɪtə]

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  1. In comparison with other linguistic data like introspective, anecdotal and elicitation data, corpus data occupy a more favored place with respect to language research.
  2. Create a Full-Text Index on a table to enable linguistic search of character data.
  3. Creates full-text indexes on content and properties of structured and semi-structured data to allow fast linguistic searches on this data
  4. It argues that there is no unique solution to the dialectal classification even when the related linguistic data are indisputable.
  5. The document was saved without linguistic data, such as recorded speech recognition input or correction alternatives.
  6. Perform a linguistic search of character data in tables enabled for full-text search.
  7. Material for analysis will include linguistic data, texts, audio and video recordings, and films.
  8. Based on the observation of the linguistic data in this thesis and with reference to Lakoff and K?
  9. Based on a large collection of authentic materials and advanced softwares, corpus makes an easy and quick analysis of the greatest amounts of linguistic data possible, and the learners are provided with a new approach to learn a language independently.
  10. The paper analyses the causes of students 'weak oral ability in three aspects from oral teaching, external condition and cultural differences. The paper also puts forth the suggestion that we should apply linguistic data to the teaching of spoken English in class.
  11. This book has made a valuable attempt in the realm of methodology to handle the linguistic data in a scientific way.
  12. Statistic and analysis of some fundamental linguistic data in a 1998 People's Daily corpus
  13. In linguistic sense: making full use of computers to do data processing, statistic, generalized comparative and analytic works.
  14. Analysis of linguistic data indicates that lexico-grammatical features of spatio-temporal parallelism reflect in the process of cognitive mapping for linear point, linear segment and linear order.
  15. As an important branch of linguistic investigation, corpus linguistics features language study through the processing of corpus data.
  16. The analysis of English ECM structures and other non-finite clauses is a good example in showing that MP can explain more linguistic data, and its explanation is unitary at that.
  17. Quantitative research is rare in mainstream linguistics, though some linguistic studies are based on language data.
  18. Then, in the next chapter, responses from 78 US and 22 British and Australian citizens participating in this research and linguistic data generated by discourse analysis are presented and analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
  19. Linguistic Data System of EST
  20. This paper attempts to propose a weighted Web mining technique using linguistic parameters to discover weighted browsing patterns from log data in Web servers.
  21. To the problem that the numerical data reflecting the real world is difficult to be understood, a fast generation method of fuzzy rules is presented in order to extract the linguistic knowledge from numerical data.
  22. The function of combination of relational nouns with other words is also the focus of this dissertation. It is observed that there is actual textual change of relational nouns by lots of linguistic data including classical document and news report.
  23. Analysis of empathy strategy employed in selected linguistic data is mainly conducted on the levels of linear order, lexical items, mood system, modality system and appraisal system.
  24. To achieve a clear and vivid explanation, the author carries out a complete and comprehensive case study by employing the typical polyseme "fire" from Chinese Grand Dictionary as its linguistic data.
  25. The similarities and differences of a linguistic phenomenon in a language can be found by comparing the language data representing the different dialect in the study of the history of Chinese language.
  26. Because the data of time factors consist of crisp numerical information and fuzzy linguistic information, a new FNN model is presented to fuse data and realize the estimation of design time. This model makes use of fuzzy compositive evaluation to simplify structure. 3.
  27. Based on English and Chinese linguistic data, this research is focused on the perspective of text-interpreters.
  28. The first chapter is about the background, significance and goal of the research. It also covers the Chinese teaching condition, research methods in Chile and the source of linguistic data.